care instructions

    Silver jewelry is a somewhat more sensitive precious metal that can react with hydrogen sulfide in the air. The reaction leads to discolouration on the surface. However, the discoloration can be removed with simple household products.

    Gilded Silver:

    The gold plating can discolour with constant contact with liquids, including alcoholic content and sweat.

    In order to protect your jewelry in the long term and to ensure that it is in good condition, we kindly ask you to pay attention to the following points:

    - Avoid contact with liquids (water, perfume, etc.)

    - removing jewelry before exercise and showering

    - removing jewelry before sleep

    - Careful handling

    - keep airtight

    Clean jewellery: With these home remedies you can make your piece of jewelery shine again!

    Tempered silver is not pretty to look at. But how can that happen? These deposits are silver sulfide, which occurs when silver meets oxygen and hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is in the air and also in food. Silver sulfide is a black solid salt.

    Our parents or even grandparents already know that silver can tarnish - and that's quite normal. Deposits form, which are silver sulfide. Silver sulfide is formed when silver comes into contact with oxygen and hydrogen sulfide, or oxidizes. For example, hydrogen sulfide is in the air. Silver sulfide, on the other hand, is a black, solid salt. When looking at your silver jewelry, this is usually unsightly or has a dull effect.

    But what can you do if your silver jewelery loses its shine over time or, in the worst case, turns black?

    In this detailed guide you will find the best home remedies to restore your jewelry to its full glory!

    Tip 1: The right storage

    As we already know, when your silver jewelry reacts with the sulfur particles in the air and discolours, the luster degrades. Moisture in particular accelerates this process.

    Make sure you store your silver jewelry as dry as possible.

    If possible, avoid leaving your silver jewelry in the bathroom or in the kitchen, for example. So it's best to store your jewelry in an airtight container in your jewelry box.

    A little expert tip on our part is chalk, like you know it from school. Chalk pulls air out of moisture.

    So just put a piece of white school chalk in your jewelry box with your jewelry.

    Remove your jewelry before showering, bathing, cleaning, sporting activities or sleeping.

    But what do you have to do if your piece of jewelry has already formed deposits?

    The following household remedies will help you to bring your jewelry into its old form